发布时间:2023-08-14 08:45

English Performance Bank Guarantee Letter Format


A performance bank guarantee is a type of guarantee that is issued by a bank on behalf of its client (usually a contractor or a supplier) to guarantee the satisfactory performance of a contract or an obligation. This type of guarantee serves as an assurance to the beneficiary (usually the party hiring the contractor or purchasing goods) that the terms of the contract will be fulfilled, and in the event of non-compliance, the bank will compensate the beneficiary.

Format of a Performance Bank Guarantee Letter:

1. Heading:

- At the top of the letter, include the name and contact details of the issuing bank. This should be followed by the letterhead of the bank, with its logo and other relevant information.

2. Reference Details:

- Include a unique reference number for easy identification and tracking of the guarantee. This should be mentioned on all communications related to the guarantee.

3. Date:

- Provide the date on which the guarantee is being issued. This is important for record-keeping purposes.

4. Beneficiary Details:

- Clearly state the name, address, and contact details of the beneficiary to whom the guarantee is being issued. This information is important for proper communication and to ensure that the guarantee reaches the intended party.

5. Contractor Details:

- Clearly state the name, address, and contact details of the contractor or supplier for whom the guarantee is being issued. This information helps to identify the party that the guarantee is in favor of.

6. Contract Details:

- Provide comprehensive details about the contract or agreement for which the guarantee is being issued. Include the contract number, date of commencement, completion date, and any other relevant terms and conditions.

7. Guarantee Amount:

- Clearly mention the maximum liability of the bank under the guarantee and the currency in which it is denominated. This amount should be sufficient to cover any potential losses or damages arising from the non-performance of the contractor.

8. Validity Period:

- State the duration for which the guarantee will be valid. This period should typically correspond to the term of the contract or a specified period after the completion of the contract.

9. Termination:

- Specify the circumstances under which the guarantee can be terminated, such as the successful completion of the contract or the expiration of the validity period. Also, mention any rights of extension or renewal that may exist.

10. Other Provisions:

- Include any additional terms and conditions that are necessary to govern the guarantee, such as the governing law, jurisdiction, and dispute resolution mechanism.

11. Signatures:

- The letter should be signed by an authorized representative of the issuing bank, with their full name and designation clearly mentioned. This provides authenticity to the guarantee and ensures that the bank is bound by its terms.


A well-drafted performance bank guarantee letter is crucial in ensuring the smooth execution of contracts and agreements. By following the above format and including all the necessary information, the issuing bank can provide a reliable assurance to the beneficiary that their contractual obligations will be fulfilled. It is important for banks to maintain professionalism and accuracy in issuing these guarantees to instill confidence in both the beneficiary and the contractor.
