发布时间:2023-08-11 23:10

Bank Guarantee Template (English Version)

[Bank Letterhead]

[Bank Name]

[Bank Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]


[Beneficiary Name]

[Beneficiary Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Bank Guarantee

Dear [Beneficiary Name],

This Bank Guarantee is issued at the request, and on behalf of [Applicant Name], who has a banking relationship with our institution. We, [Bank Name], hereby provide our unconditional and irrevocable guarantee to honor and fulfill the financial obligations and contractual requirements of [Applicant Name] as detailed below:

1. Guarantee Amount: [Specify the guaranteed amount in words and figures]


2. Purpose of Guarantee: [Specify the purpose for which the guarantee is being issued]

3. Contract or Agreement Details: [Provide a brief description of the contract or agreement for which the guarantee is being issued and relevant dates, if applicable]

4. Expiry Date of the Guarantee: [Specify the date on which the guarantee expires]

5. Beneficiary Information: [Provide any necessary details about the beneficiary, such as their registration number, contact person, and contact information]

6. Terms and Conditions:

a. This Bank Guarantee shall remain valid until [Expiry Date of the Guarantee] unless extended or modified by our bank in writing.

b. Any claims under this Guarantee must be made in writing and received by our bank before the expiration of the guarantee period.

c. Our bank's liability under this Guarantee shall be limited to the maximum guarantee amount specified above.

d. This Guarantee shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [Country/State].

e. Our bank's liability under this Guarantee shall not be affected, modified, or discharged by any change in the relationship between the beneficiary and the applicant.

7. Our bank confirms that we have obtained all necessary internal approvals and have the authority to issue this Bank Guarantee.

Kindly confirm your acceptance of this Bank Guarantee by signing and returning a copy of this letter to our bank at the address mentioned above.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you require any further information or clarification regarding this Bank Guarantee. We assure you of our full cooperation and prompt attention at all times.

Yours sincerely,

[Bank Official's Name]

[Bank Official's Title]

[Bank Name]

[Contact Information: Phone Number, Email Address, Fax Number]
