发布时间:2023-07-24 10:10




1. 基本信息:包括保函编号、保证人名称、受益人名称、承诺金额、有效期限等。

2. 承诺内容:明确保证人以其信誉、名誉及财力为基础,保证受益人在合同约定期限内享有相关权益。

3. 违约责任:明确违反承诺的责任后果,例如保证人需按照合同约定文本支付相应的违约金等。

4. 申请条件:明确受益人在申请质保金保函的过程中需要满足的条件,例如需要提交工程完工报告、验收报告等。



保函编号: ______

To: ______ (受益人名称)

Dear Sirs,

We, ______ (保证人名称), hereby issue our irrevocable guarantee, subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The guarantee is valid for a period of ______ (保证有效期) days from the date of delivery of the Guarantee to the Beneficiary, and covers an amount of ______ (承诺金额).

2. We undertake to pay, without demur and without any objections, any sum or sums, not exceeding the above said amount, which may become payable to the Beneficiary, up to the expiration date of the guarantee, upon receipt of the first written demand from the Beneficiary.

3. The Guarantee is issued in favour of the Beneficiary as security for the due and proper performance of the obligations of _(合同名称)between the Beneficiary and ___________ (保证人).

4. This Guarantee shall be deemed automatically extended, without amendment thereof, for a further period of _____ (自动延期期限) days each time the original expiration date is reached, unless one of the parties shall have notified the other party by a registered letter thirty days before the expiration date of their intention not to have the Guarantee extended.

5. This Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ______ (所在国家),and any dispute arising hereunder shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent court of ______ (所在法院).

Yours faithfully,


