To: [受益人全称]
Ladies or Gentlemen,
We refer to your request for issue of our guarantee in your favour in respect of your [nature of the transaction and purpose of the guarantee]. We hereby establish our irrevocable and unconditional guarantee in your favour and promise to pay you on your first demand and without demur up to a total amount of [amount] (“Guarantee Amount”), such sum being payable in [currency].
This guarantee shall be applicable for a period of [period] and shall expire on [expiry date]. Any demand for payment under this guarantee must be made in writing or typewritten notice at our head office at the address stated below, before the expiry date, otherwise this guarantee shall be deemed automatically terminating without any notice to you.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758 (1991 Revision), if applicable.
This guarantee is issued under our seal and is binding on us.
Yours faithfully,
[Branch seal or signature of an authorised person]
For and on behalf of China Construction Bank Corporation
[Branch Name and Address]
1. 保函编号
2. 受益人信息
To: [受益人全称] [受益人地址]
3. 保函基本条款
- 保函标的:即保函的担保对象;
- 担保金额:即银行提供的担保金额;
- 担保币种:即银行提供的担保币种;
- 保函期限:即保函的有效期;
- 保函到期日:即保函的到期日期。
We refer to your request for issue of our guarantee in your favour in respect of your [nature of the transaction and purpose of the guarantee]. We hereby establish our irrevocable and unconditional guarantee in your favour and promise to pay you on your first demand and without demur up to a total amount of [amount] (“Guarantee Amount”), such sum being payable in [currency].
This guarantee shall be applicable for a period of [period] and shall expire on [expiry date].
4. 保函要求
- 合规要求: 实施保函需要遵循的规定,例如符合中国法律法规的要求;
- 建议条款: 发放保函时建议遵循的条款,例如申请人提供的文件、文件格式等;
- 国际惯例: 若涉及跨境交易,则应当遵照国际惯例和相关规则。
Any demand for payment under this guarantee must be made in writing or typewritten notice at our head office at the address stated below, before the expiry date, otherwise this guarantee shall be deemed automatically terminating without any notice to you.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758 (1991 Revision), if applicable.
5. 银行信息