发布时间:2023-06-02 11:50

Bank Guarantee Letter Template

A bank guarantee letter is a legal document issued by a bank or financial institution. It provides security to the beneficiary against financial loss in the event that the party that is obligated to fulfil the terms of an underlying contract or agreement fails to do so. A bank guarantee is also known as a standby letter of credit.

There are different types of bank guarantees, including bid bond guarantees, performance guarantees, advance payment guarantees, and retention money guarantees. Here's a typical bank guarantee letter template that you can customize to suit your specific requirements.


[Name and address of beneficiary]

Dear [Name of beneficiary],

We hereby issue this bank guarantee letter to confirm that [Name of applicant/contractor] is a customer in good standing with our bank and has a credit line that can be accessed up to [maximum amount] for the purpose of guaranteeing their obligations under [name of underlying contract/agreement].

This guarantee is irrevocable and unconditional and will remain in effect until [date – typically the completion date of the underlying contract/agreement], unless extended by us in writing. In the event that [name of applicant/contractor] fails to fulfil their obligations under the contract/agreement, we, as the issuing bank, will pay the beneficiary up to the maximum amount stated in this letter.

This bank guarantee is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600) and the International Standby Practices (ISP 98). Any claims under this guarantee must be made in writing and accompanied by the original letter of guarantee.

We confirm that this letter of guarantee has been issued in accordance with our internal policies and procedures and is legally binding on our bank.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require any further information.


[Name and signature of authorized bank representative]

[Name of bank]

[Address of bank]

[Phone number]

[Email address]

In conclusion, a bank guarantee letter is a valuable tool in providing assurances to a beneficiary that a party will fulfil its contractual obligations. The above template can be modified to suit your specific requirements, but it's essential to comply with legal requirements and follow the terms of the underlying contract/agreement. Both the beneficiary and the applicant/contractor must ensure that all obligations are fulfilled to avoid triggering the bank guarantee.
