发布时间:2023-06-02 11:40

Bank Guarantee Letter Template Download

A bank guarantee letter is a written document that guarantees payment to a third party if a specific agreement is not fulfilled. It is a contractual agreement between the issuing bank and the beneficiary, typically used in trade transactions. Bank guarantees are commonly used in international trade to reduce the risk of non-payment by buyers or to guarantee payment by sellers.

To facilitate the process, a bank guarantee letter template can be used by parties involved in trade transactions. This template provides a standard format for drafting the bank guarantee letter, ensuring all essential information and terms are included in the document. In this article, we provide a bank guarantee letter template download to guide you through the process.

Bank Guarantee Letter Template

[Bank Letterhead]


[Beneficiary’s Name and Address]

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, [Bank Name], hereby issue this bank guarantee to [Beneficiary's Name] (the “Beneficiary”) for the amount of [Amount] ([Currency]) pursuant to the terms and conditions of [Contract/Agreement No.] dated [Date] (the “Contract”).

In the event that [Name of Company] (the “Principal”) fails to fulfill its obligations under the Contract or in accordance with any agreed arrangements between the Principal and the Beneficiary, the Bank will immediately pay the amount of [Amount] ([Currency]) upon receipt of the Beneficiary’s written demand.

This guarantee shall be valid and enforceable until [Expiration Date] unless extended by mutual agreement between the parties, and shall in no way be affected by any change in the relationship between the Principal and the Beneficiary. This guarantee is also irrevocable and unconditional and subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication 600.

This letter constitutes a binding, enforceable and irrevocable obligation of [Bank Name] in favor of the Beneficiary and may not be amended or revoked without the prior written consent of the Beneficiary.


[Bank Officer’s Name and Signature]

[Bank Name]

[Bank Address]

Instructions for Using the Bank Guarantee Letter Template

1. Begin by downloading the bank guarantee letter template provided in this article.

2. Fill in the details of the issuing bank on the letterhead.

3. Input the date of issuance of the bank guarantee letter.

4. Add the name and address of the beneficiary.

5. Include the amount of the bank guarantee letter and the currency in which it is denominated.

6. Add the contract or agreement number and the date it was signed.

7. State the conditions under which the bank guarantee letter can be called upon.

8. Specify the validity period of the bank guarantee letter and whether it can be extended.

9. State that the bank guarantee letter is irrevocable and unconditional.

10. Sign the document and include the bank officer’s name and signature.


A bank guarantee letter is an essential tool that provides assurance to both parties in a trade transaction. The bank guarantee letter template download provided in this article can be used as a guide when drafting your own guarantee letter. It is important to ensure all essential information and terms are included in the document to avoid disputes and to foster trust between parties involved in trade transactions.
