发布时间:2023-06-01 17:10

Bank Guarantee Process Flowchart


A bank guarantee is a type of financial instrument that is issued by a bank to guarantee payment of a certain amount to a beneficiary in the event that the party requesting the guarantee is unable to fulfill their contractual obligations. This process flowchart outlines the steps that are typically involved in obtaining a bank guarantee.

Step 1: Request for a bank guarantee

The first step in obtaining a bank guarantee is to make a request to the bank for the issuance of the guarantee. The request must outline the terms and conditions of the guarantee including the amount and duration of the guarantee, the purpose of the guarantee, the parties involved in the transaction, and any other relevant information.

Step 2: Creditworthiness of the applicant

Once the request for the bank guarantee has been received by the bank, the bank will conduct a thorough review of the applicant's creditworthiness. This review is necessary to determine whether the applicant has the financial capacity to fulfill their obligations under the guarantee.

Step 3: Issuance of the bank guarantee

If the applicant is deemed to be creditworthy, the bank will issue the bank guarantee. The guarantee will typically be in the form of a written document that outlines the terms and conditions of the guarantee.

Step 4: Acceptance of the bank guarantee

Once the bank guarantee has been issued, the beneficiary of the guarantee must accept the guarantee in writing. This acceptance serves as confirmation that the beneficiary agrees to the terms and conditions of the guarantee.

Step 5: Payment of fees

The applicant will be required to pay a fee to the bank for the issuance of the guarantee. This fee may be a one-time fee or it may be a percentage of the guaranteed amount.

Step 6: Fulfillment of obligations

If the party requesting the guarantee is able to fulfill their contractual obligations, the guarantee will expire and no further action will be required. However, if the party is unable to fulfill their obligations, the beneficiary of the guarantee may make a claim against the bank for payment of the guaranteed amount.

Step 7: Payment of the guaranteed amount

If the beneficiary makes a claim against the bank, the bank will be required to make payment of the guaranteed amount to the beneficiary. The bank will then seek to recover this amount from the party that was guaranteed.


The process of obtaining a bank guarantee involves a number of steps that are designed to protect the interests of all parties involved in the transaction. By following these steps, both the party requesting the guarantee and the beneficiary can be assured that their interests are protected and that payment will be made in the event of default.
