发布时间:2023-05-15 11:20




1. 保函的头部信息:包括保函编号、日期、受益人名称、受益人地址、申请人名称、申请人地址等。

2. 保函的主体内容:主要是对所保证交易的基本情况进行描述,这部分内容需要非常详细,包括担保金额、担保期限、违约责任、担保方式等。

3. 保函的签署方式:通常需要有申请人和受益人在保函上签字,并有保函签发机构的盖章。




To: 【受益人名称】


Dear Sirs,

We hereby establish our irrevocable standby letter of credit in your favor for the sum of 【担保金额】 (【金额数字+币种】) available by your drafts at sight drawn on us and accompanied by the following documents:


This standby letter of credit is available for payment against presentation of draft(s) accompanied by the documents specified above at the counters of 【开立保函银行名称】.

This letter of credit shall be automatically extended without amendment for additional periods of one (1) year each from the expiration date hereof, or any future expiration date resulting from any extension, unless six (6) months prior written notice is given by the undersigned to the beneficiary that this letter of credit will not be extended. Any such notice shall be sent to the beneficiary by registered mail at the address shown above and shall be deemed to have been received by the beneficiary three (3) business days after the mailing date.

[Insert special conditions, if any] 如有特殊条款,需要在此处注明。

This letter of credit is transferable.

This letter of credit is subject to [State jurisdiction, New York City USA] law.

This standby letter of credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 2007 Revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600.




We hope the above example can provide some help and guidance for your preparation of a standard letter of credit. A correctly formatted letter of credit can help both the beneficiary and applicant protect their interests and minimize the risk of trade disputes.
