TO: [受益人名称] [受益人地址] FROM: [发行银行名称] [发行银行地址] DATE: [日期] SUBJECT: PERFORMANCE BOND Dear Sir/Madam, We, [发行银行名称], located at [发行银行地址], hereby issue this Performance Bond in favor of [受益人名称], located at [受益人地址], as beneficiary. The Performance Bond is issued for an amount of [保函金额] and shall remain valid from [起始日期] to [结束日期]. In the event that the principal fails to fulfill any obligations as stipulated in the contract between the principal and the beneficiary, we undertake to pay the beneficiary the said amount upon presentation of a written claim within [指定期限] days after the expiry of the contract. This Performance Bond is subject to the terms and conditions stated herein as well as the laws and regulations governing the issuance of such instruments. Should the beneficiary make a valid claim under this Performance Bond, we will honor the claim promptly and without delay. Thank you for your attention, and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions or require any additional information. Yours sincerely, [发行银行名称] [发行银行地址]