发布时间:2024-06-12 05:36

反担保保函模板 (Counter-Guarantee Letter Template)

## 中文版本


致:[受益人名称] (以下简称“受益人”)


(1) [申请人名称] (以下简称“申请人”) 已向贵方申请开具金额为 [金额] [币种],有效期至 [日期] 的 [保函类型] (以下简称“主保函”),用于 [担保事项] 。

(2) 申请人已委托我方就上述主保函项下贵方可能遭受的任何损失或损害向贵方提供反担保。

据此,我方 [银行名称],作为反担保人,在此不可撤销地、无条件地向受益人出具本反担保函,并承诺如下:

1. **反担保范围**: 我方在此同意对贵方因申请人未履行其在主保函项下的义务而遭受或可能遭受的任何及所有损失、损害、成本和费用(包括但不限于律师费)承担连带责任保证。

2. **反担保金额**: 本反担保函项下我方承担的最高反担保责任为 [金额] [币种],该金额包括但不限于主保函项下的本金、利息、违约金、损害赔偿金、律师费和其他相关费用。

3. **反担保期限**: 本反担保函自签字之日起生效,至以下时间中的较晚者失效:

(1) 主保函项下所有义务履行完毕之日后 [天数] 天;

(2) 主保函有效期届满之日起 [天数] 天。

4. **索赔**: 贵方无需证明申请人违约或是否已采取其他救济措施,即可向我方提出索赔。贵方只需向我方提供表明贵方已根据主保函条款遭受损失的书面声明,即可获得我方付款。

5. **付款**: 我方承诺在收到贵方符合本反担保函要求的书面索赔文件之日起 [天数] 个工作日内,向贵方指定账户支付款项。

6. **管辖和适用法律**: 本反担保函的签署、生效、解释、履行和争议解决均适用 [国家/地区] 法律。任何因本反担保函引起的或与之相关的争议,应提交 [仲裁机构名称],按照其届时有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。

7. **通知**: 与本担保函相关的任何通知或其他通讯应以书面形式作出,并亲自送达或通过挂号信、快递或传真发送至以下地址:


地址: [受益人地址]

电话: [受益人电话]

传真: [受益人传真]


地址: [银行地址]

电话: [银行电话]

传真: [银行传真]

8. **其他**: 本反担保函构成我方对贵方的独立承诺,不受申请人和贵方之间协议或安排的有效性、合法性或可执行性的影响。


反担保人: [银行名称]


日期: 年 月 日


## 英文版本

**Counter-Guarantee Letter**

To: [Beneficiary Name] (hereinafter referred to as “Beneficiary”)


(1) [Applicant Name] (hereinafter referred to as “Applicant”) has applied to you for the issuance of a [Type of Guarantee] in the amount of [Amount] [Currency], with an expiry date of [Date], for the purpose of [Purpose of Guarantee] (hereinafter referred to as “Underlying Guarantee”); and

(2) The Applicant has requested us to provide a counter-guarantee in your favour in respect of the Underlying Guarantee.

NOW, THEREFORE, we, [Bank Name], as counter-guarantor, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally issue this Counter-Guarantee Letter in favour of the Beneficiary and undertake as follows:

1. **Counter-Guarantee Scope**: We hereby agree to be jointly and severally liable to you for any and all losses, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to legal fees) that you may suffer or incur as a result of the Applicant’s failure to perform its obligations under the Underlying Guarantee.

2. **Counter-Guarantee Amount**: Our maximum liability under this Counter-Guarantee Letter shall be limited to [Amount] [Currency], which amount shall include but not be limited to principal, interest, liquidated damages, compensation for damage, legal fees and other related costs and expenses under the Underlying Guarantee.

3. **Counter-Guarantee Period**: This Counter-Guarantee Letter shall take effect from the date of signature and shall expire on the later of:

(1) [Number] days after the date on which all obligations under the Underlying Guarantee have been fulfilled; and

(2) [Number] days after the expiry date of the Underlying Guarantee.

4. **Claims**: You shall not be required to prove any breach on the part of the Applicant or to have resorted to any other remedy before making a claim under this Counter-Guarantee Letter. Your written demand for payment stating that you have suffered a loss under the Underlying Guarantee shall be sufficient for you to receive payment from us.

5. **Payment**: We undertake to make payment to your designated account within [Number] business days after receipt of your written demand for payment in accordance with the requirements of this Counter-Guarantee Letter.

6. **Governing Law and Dispute Resolution**: This Counter-Guarantee Letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/Region]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Counter-Guarantee Letter shall be submitted to the [Arbitration Institution Name] for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration in force at that time. The award shall be final and binding upon both parties.

7. **Notices**: Any notice or other communication to be made hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or sent by registered mail, courier or facsimile to the following addresses:


Address: [Beneficiary Address]

Tel: [Beneficiary Telephone]

Fax: [Beneficiary Fax]


Address: [Bank Address]

Tel: [Bank Telephone]

Fax: [Bank Fax]

8. **Miscellaneous**: This Counter-Guarantee Letter constitutes our independent and primary obligation to you and shall not be affected by the validity, legality or enforceability of the agreement or any arrangement between the Applicant and you.

This Letter of Counter-Guarantee is made in two (2) counterparts, each in Chinese and English, both texts being equally authentic.

Counter-Guarantor: [Bank Name]

Authorised Signature:

