履约银行保函 英文范本
发布时间:2023-12-01 16:22

Performance Bank Guarantee Sample

A performance bank guarantee (PBG) is a document issued by a bank on behalf of a client to guarantee fulfillment of contractual obligations. It serves as a promise from the bank that if the client fails to fulfill their obligations, the bank will provide financial compensation to the beneficiary.

In international trade and construction projects, PBGs play a crucial role in ensuring successful completion of contracts. They provide assurance to beneficiaries that they will be compensated if the client fails to meet their contractual obligations. Here is an example of a performance bank guarantee:



No: [Guarantee Number]

Date: [Guarantee Issuance Date]

To: [Name and Address of the Beneficiary]

[Beneficiary's Name], (hereinafter referred to as the "Beneficiary"), having its registered office at [Beneficiary's Address], has entered into a contract with [Client's Name], (hereinafter referred to as the "Client"), having its registered office at [Client's Address], on [Contract Signing Date].

As per the terms of the aforementioned contract, the Client is obliged to perform certain obligations, including but not limited to [Specify Obligations].

This Performance Bank Guarantee serves to confirm that, upon receipt of a written demand from the Beneficiary stating that the Client has failed to fulfill any of its contractual obligations within the agreed timeframe, the Guaranteeing Bank shall pay to the Beneficiary the amount of [Guarantee Amount], without any objection or reservation, up to the limit of this guarantee.

The Guaranteeing Bank hereby undertakes to honor any such demand made by the Beneficiary in writing, provided it is presented to the Guaranteeing Bank on or before [Guarantee Expiry Date].

This guarantee shall remain valid until [Guarantee Expiry Date] and any demands made within this period shall be honored by the Guaranteeing Bank within [Number of Days] working days from the receipt of such demand.

This Performance Bank Guarantee is subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG).


Please note that this is just a sample performance bank guarantee and the actual terms may vary depending on the specific contract and parties involved. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals when drafting or reviewing such documents.

Remember, a performance bank guarantee provides security and confidence to both parties involved in a contractual agreement, ensuring the successful completion of projects and transactions.
